Erin Foster Puts the “Daaaannng girl!” in Graphic Design


I’ll be honest: I get nervous when I work with other creatives. We’re trained to have a fine eye and getting hired by one only boosts self-doubt to unhealthy levels. I need a lot of self-talk to remind myself that my nerves are simply a weird form of excitement. We’ll go with that.

I had the honor of working with Erin Foster of Erin Foster Designs. Although I coach my clients to understand their personal brand, it’s nice when someone like Erin comes ready with a vision for her website and visual execution.

Erin is a kindred introvert (we screen our phone calls) and understands how the triad of good design, good copy, and good photography create a more attractive brand.

I hope you’re inspired by her interview below.

Erin, Tell Us more about your business.


I love thinking and solving problems creatively. It was a natural fit to pursue graphic design for the side of me that loves to organize. I started my career in journalism as a newspaper designer and changed with the demand for design.

I have been in-house, at agencies, and now running my own business. Once we started our family I also pursued yoga teacher training and have since been on a mission to practice creative flexibility through every aspect of my life. The pouring in and out of energy into the things I do compliments the needs of my personal life.

What made you decide to Start Your Own Business?

My design business started after I had my third baby and left my full-time art director role. I wanted to continue to do what I love and be tethered to work outside motherhood and the walls of my home. Now my business is growing and it's time to get organized. My goal is to do what I love while being home to support those I love.

If you overcame a personal obstacle, please share your story here.

Everyone is carrying something hard and heavy, sometimes many things. I try my best to keep my personal life and professional life separate but just like I work in windows of time life creeps in. Balancing the hard and the joyful is where it gets really really good. The times when things are too heavy I have learned I have people and practices that can help me put it down, at least for a while, so I'm not carrying it alone.


What is a fear that you overcame during your journey?

Understanding that I am enough.

What are a few things you've learned about yourself during your journey?

I can create experiences of joy, meaning, and truth. I can make work full of creativity and inspiration. Sometimes I can make work that just pays the bills. All of it is ok.

Is there any advice you would give to others based on what you've learned?

This is quotable, friends:

Your story is the narrative in your head. If you don't like where it's heading you can rewrite and edit. In fact, it should always be a work in progress. - Erin Foster

What's your hope or vision for the future? What are you dreaming will come to fruition?


Man, that's a big one, I hope that the things I've dabbled in mean something to someone. I don't need to be a powerhouse designer with an ego but I want to make people's lives easier, better, their work purposeful, and pleasing. I love when clients say "you just get it" and or "you made what I didn't know I needed".

I hope the teachers and mentors in my life feel my connection and gratitude too. I've worked with some amazingly talented people and I hear their voices when I work.

What is something you wish other people knew about you?

Don't let design be "by committee". Trust yourself and the people you hire to do good work.

Give Us Some Parting Advice.

It's true if you love what you do it doesn't feel like work. For me, the design business, the yoga teaching, and all my other hats are a part of who I show up as every day. Somedays I'm wearing one and some days I'm wearing all. I love that I have the freedom and permission to choose all of it. I hope that for all those who feel stuck.



How to Connect with Erin Foster Designs

You can find Erin and ooh and ahh over her beautiful designs here:





Level Up Your Brand with Brand Photography

Branding photo sessions can drastically improve the quality of your work, and your customers’ perception of you as someone who delivers quality work. One session can provide images to round out your website for years to come. Learn more about brand storytelling and photography services here.

Michelle Loufman

Michelle Loufman is a photographer, creative writer, and storyteller located in Cleveland, OH. She develops compelling visual and written narratives for businesses, people, and causes to evoke emotion and motivate action.

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