It’s Just Business is B.S.


"It's just business" is one of the biggest b.s. statements I've ever heard.

No one ever said that focusing on your calling often means saying a heart-wrenching no to the very things or people who’ve helped you on your beautiful journey.

With the blessing of growth, I had to make huge shifts in my business recently and faster than expected. And then I had to decide where to say no in order to focus on my yes.

I made a logical decision to very quickly raise pricing to cover the overhead of a studio space, insurance, taxes, and what will soon be part-time help.

That rational business decision, however, shifted me into an emotional overdrive. I had to say no to work that didn’t align with my vision for storytelling. Clients had to part ways (respectfully and lovingly) because I’m a bigger bite to the budget.

I expected (and respected) it all, but as an empath and Enneagram 9, I feel the weight of disappointing people. I worry that we won’t be friends anymore. That I won’t matter anymore.

Sometimes we have to give up the good things to make way for the great things. And that’s not just business.

My mission is to help people tell and share their stories. My vision is to build a platform or publication to share human interest stories. We are surrounded by negative news and divisiveness and I can’t sit on the sidelines.

If you’re a client, thank you. I love you more than you could ever know. I have literally cried over my decisions as a business owner. If you’re a business owner, hang in there. We can fulfill our calling, and we know it’s more than “just business”.

Michelle Loufman

Michelle Loufman is a photographer, creative writer, and storyteller located in Cleveland, OH. She develops compelling visual and written narratives for businesses, people, and causes to evoke emotion and motivate action.

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