what it’s like to be a senior during a pandemic


Anne McSwain’s mother is a published author (and a publisher, for that matter) who had hired me to take photos for her dust jacket cover. (Um, yes, please.) We hit it off so well that she hired me to take her daughter’s senior portraits. (Also, yes, please.)

I instantly felt like Anne and I were kindred souls. She’s studious, intelligent and a little on the quiet side which I knew meant she had keen observation skills. I remember feeling like I had epically failed Anne’s photo session. Anne didn’t want disingenuous poses and we both agreed the super girly froo-frooey approach was so not her. But I wondered, with her soft smiles or glances away from the camera, whether Anne and her mom would even like them.

When I received a beautifully written thank-you note from Anne’s mom, it was validation that creating an image means creating a truthful one — not an image we think should present to the world or an Instagram feed. I hope you see Anne’s sweet, serene soul through her words and these images.

Let’s Start with the question everyone in your family asks: What are your plans after graduation?


(Anne attends Saint Joseph Academy.) Next year, I plan to attend college and work up to receiving my Ph.D. in archeology. Ever since I was little, I have always been interested in the history of our world and its civilizations (most likely because I watched Indiana Jones more times than I can count!). My goal is to gather important insights from the past through uncovered sights and objects, but I want to do so while respecting the cultures of the places I visit.

I have already applied to several colleges, but now I have to decide which one is best for me. I am looking for a school with a great location, a small student-to-professor ratio, and one that offers archeology and art history. Additionally, I want to continue studying Mandarin throughout college. I have been learning this language for the past four years, and I have no intention of stopping! I hope that I have an opportunity in the future to work in China or Taiwan so I can maintain what I have learned/will learn.

What are some of the pressures you face as a teenager and as a high school senior?

I would say that applying to college, having a part-time job, and getting ready to move away from home are the biggest pressures I face as a senior. However, over the past nine months, the world has changed. Right now, the challenge that my peers and I face is to maintain motivation for school work in a world filled with such uncertainty.

Over the past few months, our "senioritis" has been compounded with the transition to online classes and a constant sense of isolation. This makes it harder to remember that colleges are still monitoring our grades and that our assignments are not optional!


What are some of your favorite hobbies or thing to do?

My parents always encouraged me to read, write, and draw. As a result, creativity has been implemented into all aspects of my life (listening to audiobooks, sketching classes, writing short stories, music lessons). Over time, my interests have grown with me, so I have adopted new hobbies. Currently, I love embroidery, baking, and cooking. I find these pastimes to be incredibly relaxing, and I get to share my progress with others! I give my friends/family embroidered artwork, and I share my recipes with those around me.

What is a fear that you overcame during This season?

I'm a bit of a perfectionist at heart, so I have always feared failure (cliche, I know!). I am afraid of not being good enough, smart enough, dedicated enough. Additionally, I am afraid of growing tired of the job I chose to have in the future, or not being qualified enough to do said job with confidence. I have learned to overcome this fear by trying my hardest at everything I do, whether it be a small homework assignment or a semester-long research project.

Although staying motivated has been particularly challenging over the past year, I try to think of what the world will look like after COVID-19. A whole new generation will be introduced into the workforce, and I want to work alongside my peers to make the world a better, more prepared, more sustainable place. Before I can do that, I have to work on my present tasks with confidence and passion. I try to take each day, each week, each month at a time, and try to focus on where I could be in a decade.


What's your hope or vision for the future? What are you dreaming will come to fruition?


In the future, I want to live a minimalistic life in a large city. I want to have a small apartment and live frugally in order to travel abroad. Further, I want to have a lifestyle that allows me to pick up and move with short notice (no mortgage payments, pets, roommates, etc).

Additionally, I want to earn a Ph.D. in whichever major appeals to me the most in college. At the moment, I aspire to have a Ph.D. in archeology! I want to earn this degree because I have always enjoyed learning new things and applying the knowledge I have acquired to the world around me.

In short, I want to live a sustainable, rewarding, and independent life in a city that encourages me to broaden my horizons.

Do you have a favorite quote?

"Treat people with kindness" -Harry Styles

Who wouldn’t want to be BFF’s with Anne?! She’s amazing.

Learn More About Portrait Sessions

To learn more about portrait packages or to book a session, please contact Michelle Loufman.

Michelle Loufman

Michelle Loufman is a photographer, creative writer, and storyteller located in Cleveland, OH. She develops compelling visual and written narratives for businesses, people, and causes to evoke emotion and motivate action.


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