How to Prepare for Your Newborn Lifestyle Session


Newborns are best when they are sound asleep and these prep tips are designed to make your baby as warm and comfortable as possible for successful session.

Session Length

The session should last approx. 60-90 minutes. This allows plenty of time for “posing”, room transitions, feeding, and soothing, so no need to worry if your baby needs to eat or gets fussy.

Please try not to stress over your photography session. I understand how important these photos are to you, and how you want everything to go well. But the calmer you are, the more at ease your baby will be be.

Home Prep

  • Completely open the curtains and/or blinds in the rooms in which you may want to photograph in.

  • Generally, this is the nursery, master bedroom, and a living area.

  • Please de-clutter these spaces as much as possible. Floors, beds, tabletops, nightstands, etc. should be clear of books, coffee mugs, breast pump parts, etc. Less is more!

  • I usually recommend just hauling everything into the kitchen or an office for the morning, then you can put it all back as soon as I leave.

  • No need to go overboard cleaning the rooms (you just had a baby!), but clutter can be very distracting in the designated rooms.

  • If you would like any shots of your baby with his/her skin exposed, then I recommend heating your home a little warmer than usual (close to 80, if you can handle it!)

Mom & Baby Prep

  • Breastfeeding moms: Be very careful about what you are eating 1-2 days prior to our session. Try not to consume foods that may irritate your baby’s tummy (dairy, spicy foods, etc.), which can cause gas, frequent bowel movements, spitting up, and just overall stomach discomfort.

  • If you are not interested in capturing breastfeeding images during our session, I will ask that you feed the baby 15 minutes before I arrive, to help us move through your session as quickly as we can between feedings. If you’d like to capture your baby breastfeeding, we will work that into our session, depending on when s/he is hungry!

  • Try to keep your baby alert for a 1-2 hour period in the morning, just before our session. This will hopefully make him or her extra sleepy when I arrive. Newborn babies like to sleep a lot, so just do your best.

  • Bathe your baby as you normally would (the night before is fine), and apply lotion as needed for dry skin. Please also cut or file baby’s nails. This will prevent him or her from scratching during the session, as well as keep your retouching fees down!

  • Dressing baby: A cloth diaper, or comfortable & loose clothing, like a one-piece button up or zipper sleeper, work well. Swapping outfits (onesies) can wake an upset baby so we’ll use our best judgment during the session.

  • You may want to wait to dress the baby in the outfit s/he will be wearing for photos when I arrive, in case of spit ups or blow outs.

  • Please note, I do not bring clothing or other props for baby to the in-home sessions unless it has been discussed and agreed upon prior to my arrival.

Parents, Siblings, Pets & Guests Prep

  • Typically, I suggest that parents keep your outfits very simple. Neutral tones– tans, whites, creams, grays, or pastel blues or pinks are best. View outfit tips here.

  • Leggings, jeans or khakis work well, but some women wear dresses if tight clothing makes them uncomfortable after birth. Start with mom’s outfit and coordinate the rest of the family from there. Shoes are not required. I also recommend wearing a little more makeup than usual.

  • If you think your pet can be a distraction, consider having a neighbor or family member on hand to help take them for a walk.

  • Prepare siblings for the session and be patient — bribes are ok! Siblings may be jealous of their new baby sister/brother or too young to understand your desire to get a beautiful family photo. Relax and go into your session as if it were a playdate. It’ll feel chaotic, but it will all come together.

What to Wear for Your Newborn Lifestyle Session

View these tips and inspiration for what to wear for your in-home newborn lifestyle session.

Example Galleries

Gallery - Mila Lifestyle Newborn (indoor/outdoor)

Gallery - Beau Lifestyle Newborn (outdoors)

After The Session

I will share some “sneak peeks” ready for you to see within a few days of our session. Then, in approx. 2 weeks, I will send you a private digital gallery of your images to make selections and choose your print package. Your print credit can be used toward any prints, canvases, or albums ordered through me.

You can order directly from the website for the best possible print quality but you do have a choice. I cannot guarantee the quality of prints not ordered through a print vendor of your choosing.

If you have any questions about your session or your purchases, please do not hesitate to ask. I want to make sure you have a wonderful experience from start to finish! I look forward to working with you soon.

Michelle Loufman

Michelle Loufman is a photographer, creative writer, and storyteller located in Cleveland, OH. She develops compelling visual and written narratives for businesses, people, and causes to evoke emotion and motivate action.

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