I Thought I was Too Old

Is text becoming the new work email?

I thought I was “too old” when I realized email was uncool.

Why text when email works just fine?

Then I realized why my “too old” age doesn’t make me obsolete. It makes me wiser.

With email, I can choose to turn it on or off,

Push or pull those communications when I want,

Set it down, leave it down, and settle down.

I separate work from personal.

But I can’t plan a relaxing evening with a friend without a text about that project.

Needing to reschedule,

Asking for a status update,

Urgent response requested.

Although I don’t READ it, I SEE it.

My nervous system FEELS it.

In an “always online” culture, it blurs a real line of who can reach us anytime.

There is no off switch,

No true mental rest.

So you see, I’m not too old or uncool, resisting work text communications 24/7.

I’m just that wise.

Michelle Loufman

Michelle Loufman is a photographer, creative writer, and storyteller located in Cleveland, OH. She develops compelling visual and written narratives for businesses, people, and causes to evoke emotion and motivate action.


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