

As our aging parents encounter challenging health issues, their superhero status diminishes into a suddenly mortal one, with surgeries and possible death looming at any moment.

I captured images of my mom after her bypass surgery. Tubes, a haggard, weak voice, and grayish skin tone made me realize how delicate life is. How delicate HER life is.

Upon entering her recovery room, my father and I found my mom sitting on the hospital bed, with wet disheveled hair.

Although washed, her hair was left unkempt for a few short minutes while her attending nurse picked up extra items for Mom’s care.

My dad, a very typical logical engineer-type tenderly brushed her hair.

He's not particularly expressive with emotions, but I know he loves and feels deeply even if his outward expressions don’t jive. This was an especially beautiful moment between a couple I’ve mostly known through the eyes of a child.


It’s sometimes hard to relate to parents as human beings. Normal people who were once kids with challenges of their owns. Teens coming of age an awkwardly navigating the challenges of the social pecking order and careers. And then, one day, they become slightly more feeble. More human.

Michelle Loufman

Michelle Loufman is a photographer, creative writer, and storyteller located in Cleveland, OH. She develops compelling visual and written narratives for businesses, people, and causes to evoke emotion and motivate action.

Charlene Coughlin: Cancer Butt-Kicker


Affirming Your Teenage Daughter