Why Photographers Don’t Deliver RAW Image Files

Photo credit: NordWood Themes

If you’ve gotten a professional photo shoot, you may have heard whispers on the internet that asking for your RAW files is the way to go. And if you’re a photographer, it’s likely a client has asked for RAW files from your session without entirely having a plan for them.

But what’s the real story here?

First, what is a RAW image file?

A RAW image file is the original photographic image shot straight out of camera (ideally) by the photographer. This assumes the photographer sets his or her camera to shoot RAW images and not solely .jpg. RAW files have a .CR2, .RAF, .ARW or .NEF extension, although each camera manufacturer has its own file format. 

So why are photographers so resistant to delivering RAW image files? Is it rude to ask for them? The short of it: the original image is also their intellectual property.

Why Your Photographer Won’t Deliver RAW Image files

1) It’s a Copyright Thing.

RAW files are today’s modern form of “old school” film negatives. They are owned and created by the photographer. As per copyright laws, ownership of a photograph will always belong to the individual who took it unless it is specifically stated in a contract or agreement.

Even when a photograph is being commissioned by a client, that client is paying for the final product delivered as .JPG or .TIFF file—not the original image itself. The photographer allows the client to use the final, delivered image as specifically outlined in the contract (e.g., social media, print, advertising, etc.).

Another reason photographers don’t typically deliver RAW files is because if those images are shared online, anyone can download and edit to their liking and sell them to someone else. In short, the loss of copyright equals loss of income.

2) They’re not a universal file format.

Aside from legal proof that the photographer is the intellectual property-owner, RAW files are also very large and cannot be opened on most computers without image editing software—Photoshop, CaptureOne and Lightroom to name a few.

The RAW image is transformed by the photographer into an artistically edited image—the final product—that looks better and is in a manageable (usable) file format. Try opening a .CR2 file on your iPhone and post it to Instagram and you’ll see what I mean.


Every photographer’s goal is to work our clients to get beautifully finished, commissioned images you love. However, there might be times when a client needs the RAW image AND wants complete ownership of it.

Please note that gaining ownership of images from your commissioned photography session and the copyright will cost you more money and require additional legal documents. If you need the RAW files to get complete ownership of all the photos you commissioned, then you can discuss it with the photographer before the project starts and you enter into a binding contractual agreement.

Michelle Loufman

Michelle Loufman is a photographer, creative writer, and storyteller located in Cleveland, OH. She develops compelling visual and written narratives for businesses, people, and causes to evoke emotion and motivate action.


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