Free Download: Health Tips and Chronic Illness Resources

After receiving blood transfusions, I knew I had to get to the root cause of my chronic health issues. Download a compilation of resources and what I’ve learned below.

After receiving blood transfusions, I knew I had to get to the root cause of my chronic health issues. Download a compilation of resources and what I’ve learned below.

I’ve been sharing my story on how nearly bleeding to death forced me to find alternative approaches to healing and how to remove toxins from my life. I had no idea how overburdened my body was and for the past three years have been “Benjamin Button-ing” my way back into a clean bill of health.

If you are suffering from fatigue, brain fog, bad menstrual cycles or know something “just ain’t right” there is help. Chronic illness can be healed! Pharmaceuticals often mask or suppress your body’s natural desire to express itself when something is wrong.

Please don’t wait until your body is distressed to the point where it attacks itself through a fully-onset autoimmune disease. It’s an incredibly lengthier process to reverse from this.

My booklet includes many medical resources in my Northeast Ohio stomping grounds but the fundamental information can apply to wherever you are. If you or a friend could benefit from learning more about how to get to the root cause of your health, download the pdf and share this post.

I hope you find this helpful. As you venture on your own journey, I encourage you to find your inner strength, ask questions, ask even more questions and embrace a healthier lifestyle. I’m rooting for you!

In good health,

Michelle Loufman

Michelle Loufman is a photographer, creative writer, and storyteller located in Cleveland, OH. She develops compelling visual and written narratives for businesses, people, and causes to evoke emotion and motivate action.

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